Welcome to the One Family, One Planet website, an account of the 2005-2006 around-the-world adventure of the Picado-Curtis family--Therese, Steve, Peter, Paul, and Carrol, Steve's mom. As our itinerary unfolded, we shared our experiences through travelogs and photos, offering a glimpse of what it was like to take a trip around the world for an entire year and the cultural, scenic, historical, and human richness of the countries and communities we visited. For more information about our family, this website and our trip, please see background, planning & preparation or our mission statement below. Also visit our travelogs, photo gallery, travel notes by country, and trip highlights.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -- Mark Twain 

Steven Curtis - RTW Stock Photography

10 notecard sets from our travels around the world and more.

Click here to review and order notecard sets. 

RTW Ventures! We have launched an alternative travel consulting business, designing safari/volunteer expeditions to Kenya and Uganda. This unique opportunity allows groups of travelers to experience a wildlife safari in some of East Africa's most famous parks and participate in community-based volunteer projects in the small Maasai village of Enoosaen in the highlands of western Kenya or the small town of Kabale in southern Uganda. We are currently planning a trip to Kenya for August 2007 to coincide with the great migration of animals from the Serengeti through Masai Mara National Park. If you are interested in this upcoming trip or would like to be added to our mailing list to receive more information, please submit a Contact Us form.

For upcoming slide shows and other post-trip activities, visit our events page frequently.

Be part of the dream! Interested in contributing to any of the grassroots intiatives we were involved with this past year... building boats for Thai fishermen who lost their boats in the tsunami? community gardens in Uganda? water project in Kenya? the first library in the Maasai village of Enoosaen in southwestern Kenya? If you're interested in any of these projects, find out more on the Grassroots Projects page or communicate with us through contact us.

Why, when and how did you decide to do this?  People have asked these and many other questions about our trip. For our personal reflections about what this trip means to each of us and answers to other questions, see Frequently-Asked Questions.  

For the next 365 days, our family will be independent global travelers seeking diverse cultures, exotic foods, natural environments, antiquities, volunteer activities, and human connections. With our commitment to local transport, simple housing, learning native language phrases, and eating local cuisine, we plan to seek out the cultural, spiritual and natural essence of each destination. With packs on our backs and discovery in our hearts, our one family is ready to set forth and engage in our one planet.